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Finally! – We are not allone
FinallyFor more than 50 years, mankind has been listening into space to pick up messages from extraterrestrial intelligences. So far in vain. Until today. Magnus Baumann, a highly intelligent young man with Asperger’s syndrome, develops a small private AI that identifies an alien signal in the available data. In fact, it is an extensive code…
Finally 2 – The Bodiless
Finally“We have to do things that no one has ever done before.” The AI that controls the Sphere of the bodiless sent explorers on their way to Earth a long time ago. They could arrive at any time and possibly even destroy Earth. To prevent that, Jasmin and Magnus have to go a way that…
Finally 3 – Agents of AI
Finally“I don’t want to die.”“Stop whining, you’re an AI. Now fly this damn glider before we crash on the ground.” Jasmine and her team’s journey doesn’t end in the sphere forty light years away. It continues and the team encounters the “Exalted Ruler”, as the highest authority of the sphere AIs is called. This powerful…
Black Energy
CERN – the largest experiment in the world.The “God particle” has been found – will there now be another part for the devil? Dr. Marco Falbert puts his heart and soul into his work at the European research center CERN in Geneva with the aim of developing a new and clean source of energy. Michelle,…
Hope Atlantis
“Playroom or torture chamber?”At this question, Anne’s heart instantly leapt into her throat. All the evidence points to this: Atlantis is more than just an ancient story and also more than mere ruins. Anne and her team set out to find it – because Atlantis means hope. Hope for people – and hope for Anne…
Departure from Atlantis
AtlantisThe feeling of panic wanted to spread, but could be suppressed. Anyone who had ever died knew there were bigger problems. The Lantis, a race from the Earth’s distant past, have built a new home in the present day: a modern Atlantis. It is still hidden from view, but that cannot last forever. They must…
Escape of the Dinosaurs
AtlantisWith the genetic material from the Lantis legacy, it was possible to recreate the extinct dinosaurs. But it didn’t take long before they were nothing but a big business. The animal fighting mafia in particular discovered the huge animals as ideal material. But Yra loves her dinosaurs. She dares to enter the lion’s den alone…
The President
Atlantis“Who never take risks will never make a difference.” The Lantis want to build a peaceful future together with humans. Anne Winkler actually succeeds in representing their interests before the United Nations Security Council. But not everyone is in favor of a peaceful future. Powerful interest groups have no qualms about trying to prevent Anne’s…
Atlantis“Nothing and no one can stop me. I am the warrior, I will never let you out of my sight again.” Xeeh finds Anne Winkler’s approach too harmless, so she sets off alone. As a warrior, she prefers other means to ensure justice on Earth. And she quickly celebrates a great success that saves thousands…
March of the Clones
Atlantis – Volume 97Twelve Lantis are kidnapped from a secure facility near Manila, completely unexpectedly. The culprit is soon found: Yra. In her favor, she would never harm a Lantis. Against her, hardly anyone knows about this facility except for her. Soon, a cruel attack follows, turning the whole world against the Lantis. The culprit: Yra!Have humans now…
Attack on Atlantis
Atlantis – Volume 98Atlantis could have been the nucleus for a better future, but not everyone is interested in a peaceful world. An army of killer clones is about to conquer Atlantis. They want to exterminate the Lantis and steal the technology of eternal life for their creators.While Korgh defends Atlantis, Anne sets out to shut down a…
The Grand Council of Life
Atlantis – Volume 99The finale of the great Lantis saga!The enemies of the Lantis have been defeated, everything has turned out well. The humans have realized that they have been deceived with fake news and are ready to go forward into a shared future with the Lantis. Then an opponent appears that no one had reckoned with: Nobody…