Finally 3 – Agents of AI

“I don’t want to die.”
“Stop whining, you’re an AI. Now fly this damn glider before we crash on the ground.”

Jasmine and her team’s journey doesn’t end in the sphere forty light years away. It continues and the team encounters the “Exalted Ruler”, as the highest authority of the sphere AIs is called. This powerful AI wants to use the team to achieve her goals and sends them on a journey to places beyond imagination. But even Jasmine will not let go of her goal. Humanity must be saved, and perhaps the desperate incorporeals can also be helped.

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Finally 2 – The Bodiless

“We have to do things that no one has ever done before.”

The AI that controls the Sphere of the bodiless sent explorers on their way to Earth a long time ago. They could arrive at any time and possibly even destroy Earth. To prevent that, Jasmin and Magnus have to go a way that Jasmin in particular resists: they have to transfer their consciousness from Earth to the sphere forty light years away through a microscopic black hole. Jasmin has not the slightest idea what awaits her in this virtual world and whether her mind will ever return to her body.

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Finally! – We are not allone

For more than 50 years, mankind has been listening into space to pick up messages from extraterrestrial intelligences. So far in vain. Until today. Magnus Baumann, a highly intelligent young man with Asperger’s syndrome, develops a small private AI that identifies an alien signal in the available data. In fact, it is an extensive code with highly interesting information. What no one expects: This code is like an angler’s worm waiting for a fish to bite.

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